抗議こうぎグループ、テスラの工場こうじょう突入試とつにゅうここのみる ドイツ
2024-05-12 16:00:03
billybong295 22:05 13/05/2024
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抗議こうぎグループ、テスラの工場こうじょう突入試とつにゅうここのみる ドイツ
label.tran_page Protest group attempts to storm Tesla factory in Germany


label.tran_page On the 10th, 800 activists gathered at the factory of US electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer Tesla near the German capital Berlin.
label.tran_page Some tried to break into the factory and clashed with police.


label.tran_page Disrupt, a coalition of organizations that call themselves anti-capitalists, released a statement on its website saying that 800 activists had gathered at Tesla’s large factory, Gigafactory, as part of a protest against Tesla. did


label.tran_page Police said in a press release on the 10th that the protesters ran through the forest toward the Tesla building.
label.tran_page He said train services had to be temporarily suspended due to the presence of Deutsche Bahn tracks nearby.


label.tran_page They reportedly prevented a group of protesters from entering the Tesla facility.


label.tran_page ”It was a good day for activists,” a spokesperson for Disrupt told CNN.
label.tran_page However, it was unfortunate that I witnessed a lot of violence by the police.’’ ``I saw a lot of injured people.’’
label.tran_page (...) I witnessed a situation that I hadn’t seen in years.”


label.tran_page Tesla and police in the state of Brandenburg, where the factory is located, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.