ちく106ねん元銀行もとぎんこう文化発信拠点ぶんかはっしんきょてんに レストラン地元商品じもとしょうひんショップ
2024-05-13 16:00:22
Anonymous 00:05 14/05/2024
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ちく106ねん元銀行もとぎんこう文化発信拠点ぶんかはっしんきょてんに レストラン地元商品じもとしょうひんショップ
label.tran_page A 106-year-old former bank has been turned into a cultural hub with restaurants and shops selling local products.


label.tran_page A 106-year-old bank store in Kawagoe, a tourist destination known for its warehouse-style townscape, will be reborn as a base for transmitting culture and industry.

label.tran_page ”Resona Coedo Terrace”, which will open on the 15th in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture, was a branch of Saitama Resona Bank until 2020

label.tran_page It was built in 1918 as the head office of the predecessor, The 85th Bank, and is designated as a registered tangible cultural property of the country.

label.tran_page In addition to utilizing the former vault space as a gallery, there is also a shared office area and a shop displaying local products.

label.tran_page They hope to promote the area’s appeal to tourists and develop it as a place to create industry.