イルカ146とう集団座礁しゅうだんざしょう米史上最多べいしじょうさいた べいマサチューセッツしゅう
2024-07-15 16:00:02
Anonymous 02:07 16/07/2024
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イルカ146とう集団座礁しゅうだんざしょう米史上最多べいしじょうさいた べいマサチューセッツしゅう
label.tran_page Mass stranding of 146 dolphins, highest in US history, in Massachusetts


label.tran_page Conservation groups say the 140 dolphins that washed up on the coast of Cape Cod in eastern Massachusetts last month were the largest mass stranding of mammals ever confirmed in the United States.


label.tran_page According to an announcement from the International Fund for Animal Welfare on the 11th, the mass strandings appear to have started on June 28th, and analysis of aerial footage of dolphins that washed ashore on the coast of Wellfleet, State, revealed that 146 dolphins were washed ashore. I found out that


label.tran_page Of these, 102 survived, giving a survival rate of 70%, the organization said.
label.tran_page Seven animals were euthanized, and 37 died from natural causes.


label.tran_page The group initially thought that around 125 Atlantic dolphins were stranded, but later confirmed that this was the largest number of animals stranded in a single group in the group’s history.


label.tran_page Rescue efforts were difficult due to the large number and size of the dolphins, the fact that they were scattered over a wide area, and the location was difficult to reach.


label.tran_page However, by July 8, more than 100 dolphins were able to be returned to the sea, and tracking devices attached to the dolphins confirmed that they were in a safe location away from the coast.


label.tran_page Whale observation vessels have also reported seeing several marked dolphins swimming with a pod of several hundred other dolphins that did not go aground.