マスク トランプ支持表明しじひょうめい 政界せいかいへの関与強かんよつよめる
2024-07-17 22:40:03
Anonymous 22:07 17/07/2024
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マスク トランプ支持表明しじひょうめい 政界せいかいへの関与強かんよつよめる
label.tran_page Musk announces support for Trump, strengthens involvement in politics


label.tran_page In the wake of former President Trump’s shooting incident, businessman Elon Musk has expressed support for Trump and is increasing his involvement in politics.

label.tran_page Mr. Musk posted on social media immediately after Mr. Trump’s shooting, saying, ``I fully support Mr. Trump and wish him a speedy recovery.’’

label.tran_page The Wall Street Journal reports that Musk plans to donate an unusually large amount of $45 million, or approximately 7.1 billion yen, to political organizations supporting former President Trump every month.

label.tran_page Also, according to CNN, Mr. Musk called Mr. Trump the day before the Republican convention and urged him to select Sen. Vance as his running mate.

label.tran_page Mr. Musk was once known as a supporter of the Democratic Party, but in recent years he has shown dissatisfaction and his rapid closeness with Mr. Trump has attracted attention.