2024-07-18 16:00:24
Igor Ueta 14:07 18/07/2024
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dino 18:07 18/07/2024
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label.tran_page Hiroyuki Sanada’s ”SHOGUN” receives the highest number of Japanese nominees for the Emmy Awards

 アメリカテレビかいすぐれた作品さくひんおくられる「エミーしょう」の候補こうほ発表はっぴょうされ、戦国時代せんごくじだい日本にっぽん舞台ぶたいにした「SHOGUN 将軍しょうぐん」で過去最多かこさいたなる11にん日本人にっぽんじんがノミネートされました

label.tran_page Candidates for the Emmy Award, which is given to outstanding works in the American television industry, have been announced, and a record 11 Japanese people have been nominated for ”Shogun”, which is set in Japan during the Warring States period.

label.tran_page ”SHOGUN” is a drama series based on a novel based on Tokugawa Ieyasu and William Adams, also known as Anjin Miura, an Englishman who served Ieyasu.

label.tran_page A Hollywood team including producer and star Hiroyuki Sanada turned it into a film, which became a big hit.

label.tran_page This time, at the Emmy Awards, there were 25 nominees in 22 categories, including major categories such as Best Picture and Best Director.

label.tran_page Of these, a total of 11 Japanese people were nominated, including Mr. Sanada, who won the Best Actor Award, as well as the cast and staff.

label.tran_page Mr. Sanada commented, ``Using this as encouragement, I would like to aim for an even better season 2.’’