プロ野球やきゅう結果けっかセ・リーグせり-ぐ 広島ひろしま ゲームなしで首位しゅい
7/19/2024 11:55:19 PM +09:00
Noah Wilber 18:07 19/07/2024
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プロ野球やきゅう結果けっかセ・リーグせり-ぐ 広島ひろしま ゲームなしで首位しゅい
label.tran_page [Professional baseball results] Central League Hiroshima takes first place with no difference in games
label.tran_page Six professional baseball games were played, and in the Central League, 2nd place Hiroshima won and the leader Giants lost, so the rankings changed, and Hiroshima took the lead with no difference in games.