ゼレンスキー大統領だいとうりょう えい欧米おうべい供与きょうよ兵器へいき使用しよう制限せいげん解除かいじょもとめる
7/20/2024 8:04:08 AM +09:00
Anonymous 03:07 20/07/2024
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ゼレンスキー大統領だいとうりょう えい欧米おうべい供与きょうよ兵器へいき使用しよう制限せいげん解除かいじょもとめる
label.tran_page President Zelenskiy asks Britain to lift restrictions on use of weapons provided by Europe and the US
label.tran_page On the 19th, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy attended a Cabinet meeting of the Starmer government in the United Kingdom, where he requested that restrictions on the use of weapons provided by the West be lifted and that they be allowed to attack military bases on Russian territory far from the border. I asked again and again