世界同時せかいどうじシステム障害しょうがい 影響えいきょうさまざま分野ぶんや
2024-07-21 07:10:02
Anonymous 05:07 23/07/2024
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世界同時せかいどうじシステム障害しょうがい 影響えいきょうさまざま分野ぶんや
label.tran_page Simultaneous global system failure affects various fields


label.tran_page A system failure that occurred on computers using Microsoft Windows from the afternoon of the 19th had a major impact on various fields around the world.

label.tran_page Due to the system failure, three major American airlines temporarily suspended all flight departures, and problems with reservation systems at airports around the world continue to cause confusion.

label.tran_page Domestically, there was a problem where it was not possible to make reservations or purchases for international flights on the Japan Airlines website, and the check-in system at Narita Airport also had problems, causing some flights to be canceled.

label.tran_page In addition, the banking systems in Australia and the Philippines were affected by failures, causing problems where ATMs could not be used, and various sectors around the world such as healthcare and finance were greatly affected.