人気者にんきしゃセイウチ「フレヤ」を安楽死あんらくしひと近寄ちかよりすぎて危険きけん判断はんだん ノルウェー
2022-08-21 11:02:03
Anonymous 05:08 22/08/2022
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人気者にんきしゃセイウチ「フレヤ」を安楽死あんらくしひと近寄ちかよりすぎて危険きけん判断はんだん ノルウェー
label.tran_page Popular walrus ”Freya” euthanized, judged dangerous because people get too close Norway


label.tran_page On the 14th, the Norwegian government euthanized a walrus that had become popular after appearing in Oslofjord Bay in the southeastern part of the country.
label.tran_page The Norwegian Fisheries Authority said in a statement that it had decided to euthanize the walrus because its advice to stay away from the walrus had not been followed and continued to threaten human safety.

label.tran_page A young female walrus named ”Freya” was euthanized
label.tran_page A researcher at the University of Southeastern Norway, who maintained Google Maps of the sightings, told CNN that Freya was trending on social media this summer.

label.tran_page Unlike other walruses, Freya does not appear to be afraid of people, and it seems that the video of her climbing onto a small boat and basking in the sun was popular.

label.tran_page However, as those recommendations were not followed, the authorities considered relocating Freya to another location, but determined that it would be unrealistic due to the expected considerable difficulties.

label.tran_page A photo of a large number of people gathered in close proximity to Freya was released.
label.tran_page A female walrus can weigh between 600 and 900 kilograms.