幼稚園ようちえんバス クラクションでたすことをどもおしえる
2022-09-13 16:05:00
Anonymous 13:09 20/09/2022
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幼稚園ようちえんバス クラクションでたすことをどもおしえる
label.tran_page Teaching children to call for help with a kindergarten bus horn


label.tran_page On the 5th in Makinohara City, Shizuoka Prefecture, a 3-year-old girl died of heatstroke after being unable to get out of the bus to go to the children’s school.
label.tran_page A week later, on the 12th, many people came to Kodomoen to pray with flowers and drinks.


label.tran_page On the 12th, a kindergarten in Sayama City, Saitama Prefecture, taught children to call for help by honking their horns when they cannot get out of the bus.


label.tran_page The child practiced pushing the horn by hand in the driver’s seat of the bus.
label.tran_page I also practiced sitting on the steering wheel and making the sound in case I had a weak push.
label.tran_page Children were taught to keep making noise until someone came to help.


label.tran_page The director said, ”From now on, I want to teach children how to protect their own lives.”