2019-05-04 14:02:03Z
ジョアン 19:05 04/05/2019
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label.tran_page 40 year old woman admitted to hospital for food poisoning.

日正午にちしょうごごろ、山形やまがたけん 鶴岡つるおかし40だい女性じょせいが、山菜さんさい間違まちがえて、有毒ゆうどくトリカブトをおひたしにしてべました

label.tran_page On the 2nd day, around noon, a lady living in Yamagata prefecture Tsuruoka city, had mistook edible wild mountain vegetation dipped in poisonous aconite (wolfsbane) and ate it.
label.tran_page symptoms included numbers of Arms and legs, and difficulty breathing. It is understood she was admitted into hospital for food poisoning.

label.tran_page the health care facility’s findings were that the woman ate, not only momijikase (an edible vegetable/flowering plant), but poisonous torekabuto (aconite/wolfsbane) was also present.
label.tran_page The woman is still currently in hospital.

label.tran_page This year, In Yamagata prefecture, torekabuto is responsible for this second incident of food poisoning. Because of this, the prefecture is calling for caution in determining whether a plant contains poison or not.