べいユタしゅうの「モノリス」、4人組にんぐみ撤去てっきょ 自然界しぜんかいに「痕跡残こんせきのこすな」
2020-12-02 15:48:59Z
Anonymous 02:12 03/12/2020
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べいユタしゅうの「モノリス」、4人組にんぐみ撤去てっきょ 自然界しぜんかいに「痕跡残こんせきのこすな」
label.tran_page ”Monolith” in Utah, USA removed by a quartet ”Don’t leave traces” in nature

べいユタしゅう砂漠さばくでSF映画えいが「2001年宇宙ねんうちゅうたび」 に登場とうじょうする「モノリス」のような石柱状せきちゅうじょう物体ぶったいつかってしばらくしたあとえたけんで、モノリスがえたのは異星人いほしじんのせいでも政府せいふ陰謀いんぼうのせいでもなく、SNSの利用者りようしゃ撤去てっきょしていたことがわかりました

label.tran_page A stone columnar object like ”Monolith” that appeared in the science fiction movie ”2001: A Space Odyssey” was found in the desert of Utah, USA, and disappeared shortly afterwards. It turns out that SNS users were removing it, not because of a government conspiracy


label.tran_page Colorado photographer Ross Berners told CNN that he had witnessed the removal of the monolith by a quartet on the night of November 27.


label.tran_page Berners, who has about 10 years of experience hiking in the desert, decided to go take a picture of the monolith with his friends on November 27, after deciding the location of the monolith.