うしひつじまん千頭乗せんとうのせたふね猛暑もうしょ豪沖ごうおきで3週間以上立しゅうかんいじょうた往生おうじょう 紅海危機こうかいききかえ
2024-02-02 07:10:03
Anonymous 01:02 02/02/2024
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うしひつじまん千頭乗せんとうのせたふね猛暑もうしょ豪沖ごうおきで3週間以上立しゅうかんいじょうた往生おうじょう 紅海危機こうかいききかえ
label.tran_page Ship carrying 16,000 cattle and sheep stranded off the coast of Australia for more than three weeks, turned back due to Red Sea crisis


label.tran_page An Israeli-flagged cargo ship carrying more than 16,000 sheep and cattle has been stuck off the coast of Australia in the heatwave for more than three weeks.


label.tran_page The ship was headed from Australia to the Middle East, but authorities ordered it to return due to fear of attack by Yemeni Houthi rebels in the Red Sea, and it remained anchored off the western coast of Australia.
label.tran_page As the midsummer heat continues, the Australian government must decide whether to let the ship carrying live livestock set sail again, or turn around and allow it to re-enter Australia.


label.tran_page Australia’s Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries announced on the 1st that it is considering a request from a trader to offload some animals and export the rest.


label.tran_page Animal protection groups say the animals need to be removed from the ship immediately.