LAの高層こうそうビル30かいにわたって落書らくがおおわれ 現行犯逮捕相次げんこうはんたいほあいつ
2024-02-09 16:00:27
Anonymous 05:02 11/02/2024
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LAの高層こうそうビル30かいにわたって落書らくがおおわれ 現行犯逮捕相次げんこうはんたいほあいつ
label.tran_page 30 floors of LA skyscraper covered in graffiti; culprits arrested red-handed


label.tran_page A series of graffiti graffiti on the windows of high-rise buildings in Los Angeles, USA, has caused chaos, with at least six people arrested.

label.tran_page The high-rise building in front of this year’s Grammy Awards ceremony venue has been damaged by graffiti over approximately 30 floors, mainly on the windows of corner rooms.

label.tran_page According to local media, this high-rise building was supposed to be a luxury condominium, but construction stopped in 2019 due to financial difficulties and it fell into ruin.

label.tran_page As the graffiti damage continues to spread and trespasses continue, local police arrested at least six people red-handed this week.

label.tran_page The City of Los Angeles has filed a complaint to improve the current situation, but the developer is based in China and has received no response at all.