べいフロリダしゅう 高速道路こうそくどうろジェット緊急着陸きんきゅうちゃくりく失敗しっぱい 2人死亡ふたりしぼう
2024-02-11 10:30:02
Shonda Cunningham 18:02 11/02/2024
4 0
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べいフロリダしゅう 高速道路こうそくどうろジェット緊急着陸きんきゅうちゃくりく失敗しっぱい 2人死亡ふたりしぼう
label.tran_page 2 People Dead in Florida State in Accident of a Jet Plane Emergency Landing on Highway


label.tran_page A small jet plane attempting to emergency land collided with a car(s) on a Florida highway in the United States.
label.tran_page 2 people were pronounced dead in the accident.

label.tran_page According to CNN, on the 9th in Naples, Florida, all engines on the small jet engine plane with 5 passengers aboard it stopped and an emergency landing on a national highway was attempted.

label.tran_page The jet plan, which departed from an Ohio airport, was bound for the Naples airport. However, just before landing, the pilot contacting traffic control with the following message: “Both engines have completely stopped.”
label.tran_page After the next message of “I will perform an emergency landing” came through, the last and final message was: “I’m unable to reach the runway.”

label.tran_page Due to the accident, the highway has been closed down.