英経済えいけいざい景気後退入けいきこうたいはいり 23ねんのGDP成長率せいちょうりつ近年最悪級きんねんさいあくきゅう
2024-02-18 07:10:03
Anonymous 16:02 19/02/2024
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英経済えいけいざい景気後退入けいきこうたいはいり 23ねんのGDP成長率せいちょうりつ近年最悪級きんねんさいあくきゅう
label.tran_page The GDP growth rate in 23 years after the British economy and economic retreat is the worst in recent years


label.tran_page The British authorities announced the official statistics on the 15th that the UK has entered (economic recession).
label.tran_page In the UK, the general election is expected to be held a few months later, and it will be a blow to Prime Minister Snak, who plans to create economic growth.


label.tran_page According to the British Statitual Bureau (ONS), the gross domestic product (GDP) in the October -December period of 2023 decreased 0.3 % year -on -year.
label.tran_page In the July -September quarter, it was 0.1 % decreased
label.tran_page Resession is usually defined as economic reduction for the second consecutive quarter.


label.tran_page According to a statement, Liz McKee -Own, an ONS economic statistics director, said, In this quarter, all major sectors have dropped, especially manufacturing, construction, and wholesale business.
label.tran_page The increase in hotels, vehicles and machine rentals has partially supplemented this.


label.tran_page According to ONS estimates, the GDP growth rate in the UK in 2013 was only 0.1 %.