ペットによる火災かさい、10ねんで54けん 最多さいたはコンロ「もふもふプッシュ」
2024-03-30 07:10:04
マンディーサ 11:03 30/03/2024
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Anonymous 14:03 30/03/2024
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dino 17:03 30/03/2024
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Anonymous 01:03 31/03/2024
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ペットによる火災かさい、10ねんで54けん 最多さいたはコンロ「もふもふプッシュ」
label.tran_page 54 fires caused by pets in 10 years; most caused by stove ”Mofumofu Push”


label.tran_page Be careful of your pet’s ”fluffy push”
label.tran_page The National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NITE), an independent administrative agency, announced on the 28th that there have been 54 fire accidents caused by indoor cats and dogs in the 10 years up to fiscal 2022.
label.tran_page We call the behavior of pets pushing the stove switch ”fluffy push” and call for caution.


label.tran_page According to NITE, the most common cause of fires (25) was caused by pressing the switch on a gas or IH stove.
label.tran_page Of these, cats were the cause of the disease in 18 cases, dogs in 6 cases, and baby goats in 1 case.
label.tran_page The person in charge pointed out that ``cats tend to jump onto products in high positions and cause fires.’’


label.tran_page There have been cases of dogs putting their front legs on gas stove switches, cats jumping on top of IH stoves, and walking and pushing buttons on the control panel, causing fires.