オリンピックひかえたパリでセーヌ川増水がわぞうすい 「カウントダウン時計とけい移設いせつ
2024-04-07 16:00:03
Anonymous 00:04 08/04/2024
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オリンピックひかえたパリでセーヌ川増水がわぞうすい 「カウントダウン時計とけい移設いせつ
label.tran_page ``Countdown clock’’ relocated as Seine River floods in Paris ahead of Olympics


label.tran_page The Seine River is rising in Paris, where the Olympics are just around the corner, and the countdown clock has been relocated.

label.tran_page A countdown clock that accurately marks the time until the opening of the Paris Olympics

label.tran_page It was installed in July last year right in front of the Eiffel Tower.

label.tran_page However, as heavy rain continued in Paris over the past few days and the water level of the nearby Seine River rose, on the 5th, it was covered with a black tarp and moved to another location.

label.tran_page According to Reuters, the water level of the Seine River is expected to reach a maximum of 4.3 meters on the 6th, and this measure was taken in consideration of the possibility of flooding.