阪神はんしんタイガースOBの林威助監督りんいじょかんとく 台湾たいわんリーグで快挙かいきょ
2022-11-12 11:02:03
Anonymous 18:11 12/11/2022
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阪神はんしんタイガースOBの林威助監督りんいじょかんとく 台湾たいわんリーグで快挙かいきょ
label.tran_page Former Hanshin Tigers member turned director, Takesuke Hayashi finds success in the Taiwan League


label.tran_page Takesuke Hayashi, a former member of the Hanshin Tigers who is now managing a pro Taiwan baseball team, achieved the feat of winning the annual league title for two consecutive years.

label.tran_page The game to determine the annual champion of the Taiwan pro baseball league was held on the 9th, and the “Chushin Brothers,” led by former Hanshin Tigers member Takesuke Hayashi, took the victory.

label.tran_page After leaving the Hanshin Tigers, Hayashi-san went pro in the Taiwan league in 2014.

label.tran_page Afterwards, he was appointed manager of the “Chushin Brothers” and in his first year, led the team to victory.

label.tran_page This season he invited former teammate Keiichi Hirano-san to coach and achieved his second consecutive season victory.

label.tran_page Around 20,000 fans celebrated the “Chushin Brothers” achievement of 8 consecutive wins in the Championship series since last year.