中国企業ちゅうごくきぎょう W杯開催はいかいさいのカタールと天然てんねんガス長期契約ちょうきけいやく
2022-11-24 11:02:05
Anonymous 15:11 24/11/2022
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中国企業ちゅうごくきぎょう W杯開催はいかいさいのカタールと天然てんねんガス長期契約ちょうきけいやく
label.tran_page Chinese company long-term natural gas contract with Qatar, host of the World Cup


label.tran_page A Chinese state-owned company announced that it has signed a large-scale long-term contract for liquefied natural gas in Qatar, which is attracting attention for hosting the World Cup.

label.tran_page China’s state-owned Sinopec Sinopec announced on the 21st that it had signed a long-term 27-year contract to procure liquefied natural gas from Qatar’s state-owned Qatar Energy.

label.tran_page  It concerns the expansion project of the northern Qatar gas field, with an annual supply of 4 million tons

label.tran_page ”Prices and other details have not been disclosed.”

label.tran_page Regarding the contract, Sinopec says that it will ”enhance the safety and reliability of China’s energy supply.”

label.tran_page  Amid concerns about the tightening of global energy demand due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, China is securing natural gas supplies through long-term contracts.