米大統領べいだいとうりょう 銃乱射受じゅうらんしゃう性的少数者せいてきしょうすうしゃへの暴力ぼうりょく懸念けねん
2022-11-24 11:02:05
Anonymous 15:11 24/11/2022
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米大統領べいだいとうりょう 銃乱射受じゅうらんしゃう性的少数者せいてきしょうすうしゃへの暴力ぼうりょく懸念けねん
label.tran_page US President concerned about violence against sexual minorities after mass shooting


label.tran_page In response to the mass shooting that targeted a sexual minority in the state of Colorado in the western United States, President Biden expressed concern in a statement that ``the sexual minority community is being subjected to hateful violence.’’

label.tran_page At midnight on the 19th, a man shot a rifle at a nightclub in Colorado, killing 5 people and injuring 25.

label.tran_page At that time, many homosexuals and other sexual minorities gathered at this nightclub.

label.tran_page ”The motives are not clear,” Biden said in a statement. indicated

label.tran_page In addition, he said, ”We must dispel the sense of unfairness that leads to violence against sexual minorities,” and called for stricter gun control.