テスラのEV工場こうじょう韓国かんこく有力候補地ゆうりょくこうほち マスク尹大統領いんだいとうりょう表明ひょうめい
2022-11-26 11:02:02
Anonymous 02:11 27/11/2022
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テスラのEV工場こうじょう韓国かんこく有力候補地ゆうりょくこうほち マスク尹大統領いんだいとうりょう表明ひょうめい
label.tran_page Korea is a strong candidate for Tesla’s EV factory Musk announces to President Yoon


label.tran_page Tesla CEO Elon Musk has named South Korea as a top candidate for an electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing plant to be built in Asia, South Korea’s presidential office said on the 23rd.


label.tran_page This is a remark in a video call with Yoon Seok-yeol, President of South Korea.
label.tran_page Musk has also said he intends to step up cooperation with South Korea on supply chains.


label.tran_page According to the Blue House, President Yoon is aware of Tesla’s plans to build factories in Asia in the future and has asked Musk to build a factory in South Korea.
label.tran_page In response, Mr. Musk said that he considers South Korea to be one of the leading candidates for the construction site of the factory, and that he will make a decision after considering the investment conditions of other countries, such as labor quality, technical standards, and production infrastructure. was