Japanese newspaper
ツイッターの禁止きんしアカウント、大部分だいぶぶん復活ふっかつへ マスク氏表明しひょうめい
2022-11-29 11:02:05
騎士Satria 09:11 29/11/2022
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ツイッターの禁止きんしアカウント、大部分だいぶぶん復活ふっかつへ マスク氏表明しひょうめい
label.tran_page Mask to revive most of Twitter’s banned accounts


label.tran_page US Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced on the 24th that most of the previously frozen accounts will be reinstated from next week.
label.tran_page Until now, the accounts of users who repeatedly violated the rules were permanently frozen, but this will be a measure to reverse that policy.

label.tran_page Mr. Musk said on the 24th, ”The amnesty will start next week.
Vox Populi,Vox Dei(ラテンで<みんこえかみこえ>の意味いみ)」とツイートしました
label.tran_page Vox Populi, Vox Dei (meaning in Latin),” he tweeted.

label.tran_page The day before, he had asked his followers to give a general pardon to the suspended accounts, provided they were not breaking the law or engaging in malicious posts

label.tran_page 72.4% of the votes were in favor of the proposal, greatly exceeding the 27.6% who opposed it.
label.tran_page Over 3 million votes