電力でんりょく3しゃの「カルテル」を認定にんてい 公取委こうとりい 課徴金命令かちょうきんめいれい
2022-12-03 11:02:02
Anonymous 14:12 03/12/2022
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電力でんりょく3しゃの「カルテル」を認定にんてい 公取委こうとりい 課徴金命令かちょうきんめいれい
label.tran_page Certify ’cartel’ of 3 electric power companies JFTC surcharge order


label.tran_page The Japan Fair Trade Commission notified the Chubu Electric Power Company, Chugoku Electric Power Co., and Kyushu Electric Power Co. of their plan to order them to pay a surcharge, accusing them of forming a cartel in the sale of electricity to companies.

label.tran_page Chubu Electric Power Co., Chugoku Electric Power Co., and Kyushu Electric Power Co. are suspected of forming a ”cartel” to prevent them from operating in each other’s areas when selling electricity to companies, and the Japan Fair Trade Commission conducted on-site inspections from April to July last year. I was looking into

label.tran_page According to people involved, the Japan Fair Trade Commission has determined that the actions of the three companies violated the Antimonopoly Act and notified them of a plan to order them to pay a surcharge.

label.tran_page The fines for each company are 27.5 billion yen for Chubu Electric Power and 2.7 billion yen for Kyushu Electric Power, which Chugoku Electric Power does not disclose.