大谷翔平選手おおたにしょうへいせんしゅ週間しゅうかんMVPに 受賞じゅしょう3回目かいめ
2021-06-23 08:58:14Z
ann 20:06 23/06/2021
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大谷翔平選手おおたにしょうへいせんしゅ週間しゅうかんMVPに 受賞じゅしょう3回目かいめ
label.tran_page Shohei Ohtani won the Weekly MVP for the third time


label.tran_page The American Major League Baseball Player of the United States announced the weekly MVP on the 21st, and Shohei Ohtani of the Angels was selected from the A League.

label.tran_page Last week, Otani played an active role as a starting pitcher while releasing six home runs as a batter.