韓国かんこくパスポート世界せかい」 193こくにビザなし渡航可とこうか=1日本にっぽんなど
2024-01-13 21:22:09
popo nowhere 11:01 14/01/2024
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韓国かんこくパスポート世界せかい」 193こくにビザなし渡航可とこうか=1日本にっぽんなど
label.tran_page South Korean passport “2nd in the world” allows visa-free travel to 193 countries = 1st place is Japan etc.


label.tran_page British consulting firm Henley & Partners recently announced the results of the World Passport Index for the January-March period of 2024, which compares the number of countries and regions to which you can travel without a visa.
label.tran_page South Korean passports allow visa-free travel to 193 out of 199 countries and regions, ranking second alongside Finland and Sweden.


label.tran_page Based on data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the company creates an index of how many countries and regions can be visited without a visa.


label.tran_page South Korea, which remained in 3rd place (189 countries/regions) in the rankings in the second half of last year, rose by one rank for the first time in six months.


label.tran_page It dropped to 13th place in 2013, but has maintained 2nd to 3rd place since 2018.


label.tran_page The six countries that took first place this time were Japan, Singapore, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, where you can travel to 194 countries and regions without a visa.


label.tran_page This is the first time since the index began being published in 2006 that six countries have ranked first.


label.tran_page North Korea was ranked 97th out of 42 countries/regions, ranking at the bottom along with Syria (29 countries/regions, 103rd place) and Iraq (31 countries/regions, 102nd place).