アイスランドでふたたび火山かざん噴火ふんか まち郊外こうが溶岩ようがん ながはじめる 建物火災たてものかさい
2024-01-16 21:34:49
Dims 01:01 17/01/2024
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アイスランドでふたたび火山かざん噴火ふんか まち郊外こうが溶岩ようがん ながはじめる 建物火災たてものかさい
label.tran_page Volcano erupts again in Iceland, lava begins to flow into the outskirts of town, building fires occur


label.tran_page In the Atlantic island nation of Iceland, a volcano has erupted again since last December, and lava has begun to flow into the outskirts of the town.

label.tran_page In the darkness, bright red lava is gushing out with force.

label.tran_page According to Iceland’s national broadcaster, the local meteorological agency announced on the 14th that the volcano on the Reykjanes Peninsula in the southwest has started erupting again, as it did last December.

label.tran_page The eruption started north of Grindavik, a town about 40 kilometers from the capital Reykjavik, the same as the previous one.

label.tran_page Following the eruption in December, a protective wall was erected on the north side of the town to prevent lava flows, but the lava broke through the wall and began flowing into the suburbs.

label.tran_page In addition, at least one house was engulfed by the lava flow and burned.

label.tran_page However, residents of the town were evacuated several hours before the eruption started and are safe.