元妃もとひセーラ・ファーガソンさん皮膚ひふがんの診断しんだん にゅうがん手術時しゅじゅつじ採取さいしゅ組織そしきから
2024-01-23 08:47:54
Anonymous 16:01 27/01/2024
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元妃もとひセーラ・ファーガソンさん皮膚ひふがんの診断しんだん にゅうがん手術時しゅじゅつじ採取さいしゅ組織そしきから
label.tran_page Former wife Sarah Ferguson diagnosed with skin cancer from tissue collected during breast cancer surgery


label.tran_page Sarah Ferguson, 64, the former wife of Britain’s King Charles’ younger brother Prince Andrew, has been diagnosed with malignant melanoma, a type of skin cancer.
label.tran_page British PA news agency reported on the 21st, citing a spokesperson.


label.tran_page According to the PA news agency, when Ms Ferguson underwent surgery for early-stage breast cancer in June last year, one of the moles removed at the request of her dermatologist turned out to be a cancerous lesion.


label.tran_page Breast cancer was discovered during a regular check-up last year, and the new diagnosis came as she was undergoing reconstructive surgery after total removal.


label.tran_page According to a spokesperson, the patient is currently recuperating at home surrounded by his family and looking forward to his recovery.


label.tran_page Melanoma is considered to be a highly malignant cancer that easily metastasizes.
label.tran_page It is more common in Caucasians, and sunburn and freckles are listed as risk factors.


label.tran_page According to a spokesperson, Ms Ferguson thanked the dermatologists who discovered the cancer through careful observation and urged people to pay attention to the shape, color, texture and appearance of moles.