2024-02-19 07:10:03
Anonymous 02:02 19/02/2024
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label.tran_page Spotify pays the music industry 1.3 trillion yen annually, about 22 times more than TikTok


label.tran_page Spotify recently announced its fourth quarter and full year 2023 results.
label.tran_page One of the biggest sources of revenue in the music industry, the company’s platform generates more revenue each year, with much of it going back to music rights holders, labels, and musicians.


label.tran_page Spotify is a platform for listening to music, but its role in music discovery has been usurped by TikTok in recent years.
label.tran_page TikTok does not exist as an app for music, but it has helped new artists break out and many songs have become hits.
label.tran_page The app is extremely important to the music industry, but the relationship between the two is rocky.


label.tran_page Sweden-based Spotify announced on February 8 that it will pay $9 billion (approximately 1.34 trillion yen) to the music industry in 2023.
label.tran_page This amount is paid to various rights holders, but the majority goes to the musicians.
label.tran_page Of course, there are still many people who think that they don’t pay artists enough, and there are many who argue that the money simply doesn’t add up.
label.tran_page However, the same criticism has been leveled at TikTok, leading to an even louder outcry.

TikTokが実際じっさいどれだけの金額きんがく音楽業界おんがくぎょうかい支払しはらっているかは不明ふめいだが、音楽業界おんがくぎょうかいしのMusic Business Worldwideは、ユニバーサル・ミュージックグループ先日せんじつ声明せいめいもとにしてそれ試算しさんした

label.tran_page It’s unclear how much money TikTok actually pays to the music industry, but music industry magazine Music Business Worldwide estimated it based on a recent statement from Universal Music Group.
label.tran_page The magazine estimates that TikTok pays the music industry up to $400 million a year.