トヨタ・ランクル250発売延期はつばいえんき 品質確認優先ひんしつかくにんゆうせん12げつ
2024-02-21 07:10:03
Steven Vincent 01:02 21/02/2024
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トヨタ・ランクル250発売延期はつばいえんき 品質確認優先ひんしつかくにんゆうせん12げつ
label.tran_page Toyota Land Cruiser 250 release postponed, quality confirmation prioritized, 1-2 months


label.tran_page It was revealed on the 20th that Toyota Motor Corporation will delay the domestic release of the new model ”250” in the SUV ”Land Cruiser” series by about one to two months.
label.tran_page In order to prioritize quality confirmation, the release date shown to retailers will be postponed from mid-March to mid-April or later.


label.tran_page We told dealers by the 20th that this was to more carefully carry out the certification work necessary for mass production of cars.
label.tran_page Some salespeople believe that the successive certification frauds within the Toyota Group may have had an impact, but there does not appear to be a direct connection.


label.tran_page The Land Cruiser is a popular SUV whose first generation was born in 1951, and has sold over 10 million units around the world.
label.tran_page The 250 released last August is positioned as the new core model of the series.