腐食性物質ふしょくせいぶっしつ女性襲じょせいかさねったおとこ、テムズがわ水死すいし 英警察えいけいさつ正式発表せいしきはっぴょう
2024-02-25 07:10:02
Anonymous 00:02 26/02/2024
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腐食性物質ふしょくせいぶっしつ女性襲じょせいかさねったおとこ、テムズがわ水死すいし 英警察えいけいさつ正式発表せいしきはっぴょう
label.tran_page Man who attacked woman with corrosive substance drowns in River Thames, British police officially announce

 えいロンドン警視庁けいしちょう(Metropolitan Police Service)は23にち女性じょせいそのおさなむすめ2ふたり腐食性物質ふしょくせいぶっしつ襲撃しゅうげきした容疑ようぎ指名手配しめいてはいされていたおとこについて、ロンドンのテムズがわ(River Thames)で水死すいししたと正式せいしき発表はっぴょうした

label.tran_page A man wanted on suspicion of attacking a woman and her two young daughters with a corrosive substance has drowned in London’s River Thames, the Metropolitan Police Service confirmed on the 23rd. announced on

 警視庁けいしちょうは、テムズがわつかった遺体いたいがアブドゥル・エゼディ(Abdul Ezedi)容疑者ようぎしゃ35)のものであることが「正式せいしき確認かくにん」され、検視けんしにより死因しいん水死すいしだと判明はんめいしたとべた

label.tran_page The Metropolitan Police Department said the body found in the Thames River has been ”officially confirmed” to be that of Abdul Ezedi, 35, and a post-mortem examination has determined that the cause of death was drowning.
label.tran_page The body was recovered on the 19th after a report of a drowned body found on a boat sailing on the Thames River.


label.tran_page Suspect Ezzedi is from Afghanistan
label.tran_page Although he has a history of sexual offenses, he has reportedly been recognized as a refugee.


label.tran_page On the 31st of last month, the suspect attacked a 31-year-old woman and her two daughters, ages 8 and 3, in London with a corrosive substance and fled.
label.tran_page Police released information stating that there was a ``large wound on the right side of the face’’ and urged citizens to be cautious.


label.tran_page The victim, who is said to have been in a relationship with the suspect before, is currently hospitalized and has lost sight in one eye, according to her relatives.

 ジョン・サベル(Jon Savell)警視長けいしちょう声明せいめいで、「被害女性ひがいじょせい回復次第かいふくしだい事情じじょう聴取ちょうしゅしたい」とべた

label.tran_page Superintendent Jon Savell said in a statement, ``We would like to interview the female victim as soon as she recovers.’’