無人探査機むじんたんさき「SLIM」 月面げつめんよるえて通信つうしん再開さいかい
2024-02-27 10:30:21
Anonymous 00:02 28/02/2024
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無人探査機むじんたんさき「SLIM」 月面げつめんよるえて通信つうしん再開さいかい
label.tran_page Unmanned spacecraft ”SLIM” resumes communications beyond the night on the moon


label.tran_page JAXA has announced that Japan’s first unmanned spacecraft, ``SLIM,’’ which successfully landed on the moon, has resumed communications after surviving the harsh night on the moon, where temperatures dropped to -170 degrees Celsius.

label.tran_page According to JAXA, it appears that sunlight has hit SLIM’s solar panels again, and communications have resumed on the 25th.

label.tran_page Day and night change on the moon approximately every two weeks, but this means that we have survived the harsh nights on the moon where the temperature drops to -170 degrees Celsius.

label.tran_page SLIM successfully landed on the moon on the 20th of last month, and although there were some problems with the solar power generation not working, the scheduled activities were ended as night fell at the landing site.

label.tran_page Although JAXA did not plan for SLIM to survive at night in its design, it plans to conduct a detailed analysis of the images sent to it in the future.