イギリス・チャールズ国王こくおう肖像しょうぞう新紙幣しんしへい公開こうかい 6がつ5いつか流通りゅうつう
2024-02-28 07:10:02
Anonymous 01:02 28/02/2024
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イギリス・チャールズ国王こくおう肖像しょうぞう新紙幣しんしへい公開こうかい 6がつ5いつか流通りゅうつう
label.tran_page A portrait of King of Charles, England is released on June 5th


label.tran_page The new design banknotes with the portrait of King Charles, whose real thing was released, will be distributed on June 5th.

label.tran_page The design other than the portrait is the same as before, and you can continue to use banknotes with portraits of Queen Elizabeth.

label.tran_page The British central bank England Bank will issue new banknotes only as needed, such as exchanging old banknotes, minimizing the impact on the environment and printing costs.

label.tran_page On the other hand, as cashlessness is progressing, some questions have been raised in the issuance of new banknotes that require machines and renovations at ATMs and ticket vending machines.