回転かいてんずしのみせ AIカメラ迷惑めいわくなことをしたひとつける
2023-03-06 12:00:00
Anonymous 15:03 07/03/2023
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回転かいてんずしのみせ AIカメラ迷惑めいわくなことをしたひとつける
label.tran_page Conveyor-belt sushi shop AI camera finds people who have done troublesome things

回転かいてん ずしみせきゃくが、しょうゆものなめる ビデオをインターネットにして、問題もんだいになっています

label.tran_page A video of a customer licking a soy sauce container at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant has become a problem after it was posted on the Internet.

回転かいてん ずしの「くら寿司ずし」は、迷惑めいわくなことをするひとをなくすために、AIを使つかったカメラシステムをつくりました

label.tran_page Conveyor belt sushi ”Kura Sushi” has created a camera system using AI to eliminate people who do troublesome things


label.tran_page If a customer does something annoying, such as taking a rotating sushi plate and putting it back again, the AI ​​will detect it and notify the store company.
label.tran_page The company says if someone does something really bad they will call the police.

会社かいしゃによると、このようなシステム回転かいてん ずしみせはじめてで、全部ぜんぶみせ使つかはじめています

label.tran_page According to the company, this kind of system is the first of its kind at a kaitenzushi restaurant, and all restaurants have started using it.
label.tran_page A company employee says, ”We want our customers to come to our store with peace of mind.”