エジプト 世界せかい最大さいだいのピラミッドにあたらしく空間くうかんつかった
2023-03-06 12:00:00
Anonymous 11:03 10/03/2023
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エジプト 世界せかい最大さいだいのピラミッドにあたらしく空間くうかんつかった
label.tran_page Egypt: A new space was found in the world’s largest pyramid


label.tran_page The world’s largest Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt is said to have been built about 4,500 years ago.
label.tran_page Research teams in Egypt, Japan, France, Germany, etc. have been investigating what is going on inside this pyramid for the past eight years.


label.tran_page And by last month, I found that there is a space like a passage from the northern slope to the middle.
label.tran_page 2m long and 9m long
label.tran_page The last time another space was found inside the pyramid was 186 years ago


label.tran_page The research used the technology of Nagoya University and a specialized research organization.
label.tran_page NHK cooperated with the filming of this technology, which enables us to see inside objects using elementary particles that fall from outer space.


label.tran_page ``This is the biggest discovery of the 21st century,’’ Egyptian experts told reporters from around the world on Thursday in front of the pyramids.