電動化競争でんどうかきょうそう激化見据げきかみすえ いすゞ自動車じどうしゃはつのEVトラック発売はつばい
2023-03-09 11:03:46
virendra Kumar 15:03 13/03/2023
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電動化競争でんどうかきょうそう激化見据げきかみすえ いすゞ自動車じどうしゃはつのEVトラック発売はつばい
label.tran_page In anticipation of intensifying ”competition for electrification” Isuzu Motors launches first EV truck


label.tran_page Isuzu Motors, a major truck manufacturer, released its first EV (electric vehicle) truck.


label.tran_page The company will release an EV version of its flagship light-duty truck, the Elf, which has undergone a full model change for the first time in 17 years.
label.tran_page There are three types of battery capacity, and it is possible to run about 170 km at the longest, and the specifications can be changed according to the application such as delivery trucks and garbage trucks.


label.tran_page The government has set a goal of electrifying 20% ​​to 30% of new light-duty truck sales by 2030, and competition for electrification among domestic and Chinese manufacturers is likely to intensify.