Japanese newspaper
チャットGTPの音声おんせいモード、ユーザーが感情依存かんじょういぞん可能性かのうせいも オープンAIが懸念けねん
2024-08-11 21:49:02
Anonymous 20:08 11/08/2024
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チャットGTPの音声おんせいモード、ユーザーが感情依存かんじょういぞん可能性かのうせいも オープンAIが懸念けねん
label.tran_page Open AI is concerned that chat GTP voice mode may make users emotionally dependent


label.tran_page On the 8th, OpenAI, which develops the generative AI tool ”Chat GPT,” released a report verifying the safety of the tool.
label.tran_page It points out that users may become too dependent on their relationship with AI and become ’’dependent.’’


label.tran_page With the cutting-edge voice mode now available in the paid version of Chat GPT, you can have conversations as if you were talking to a real person.
label.tran_page It is capable of real-time reactions, can respond to interruptions in a conversation, and can even make human-like laughter or ”hmm” sounds.
label.tran_page You can even tell the speaker’s emotion from their tone.


label.tran_page Immediately after this feature was announced, it became a hot topic as it looked exactly like the AI ​​voice assistant that appeared in the 2013 movie ”Her”.
label.tran_page The male protagonist falls in love with an AI and is devastated to learn that his ”girlfriend” has relationships with hundreds of other users.


label.tran_page Open AI seems to be concerned that this fictional story has become too close to reality.
label.tran_page The company points out that users who use voice mode speak to them using words that ”express a shared bond.”
label.tran_page Eventually, ``users may form social relationships with AI, reducing the need for human interaction.’’
label.tran_page ”While this may be a boon for lonely people, it can also affect healthy relationships.”


label.tran_page He added that there is a possibility that we may end up trusting AI too much as we receive information from AI that speaks like humans.
label.tran_page This assumes that the AI ​​may make mistakes.


label.tran_page According to Open AI, the use of voice mode in chat GPT may eventually influence the sense of what is normal in social relationships.


label.tran_page “Our model is polite and allows users to interrupt and take control at any time.

label.tran_page Although this is expected for AI, it goes against common sense when dealing with humans.’’ (Open AI)