ライザップに「ステマ広告こうこく」で措置命令そちめいれい 消費者庁しょうひしゃちょう
2024-08-12 10:30:02
Succ XD 08:08 12/08/2024
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Anonymous 00:08 13/08/2024
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ライザップに「ステマ広告こうこく」で措置命令そちめいれい 消費者庁しょうひしゃちょう
label.tran_page Consumer Affairs Agency orders Rizap to take action over “stemming marketing”


label.tran_page A measure order was issued against the gym operator ``Ryzap’’ as it was deemed that postings requested by influencers were displayed under the guise of ``reviews’’, which constitutes so-called ``steal marketing.’’

label.tran_page According to the Consumer Affairs Agency, the ”Stema” display was on the homepage of the gym ”Chocozap” operated by Rizap.

label.tran_page  High ratings on SNS where influencers were paid and asked to post were posted as ”customer testimonials” etc.

label.tran_page The Consumer Affairs Agency deemed this to be so-called ”steal marketing,” which promotes products while concealing that it is an advertisement, and ordered it to be prevented from happening again as it violates the Act on Premiums and Representations.

label.tran_page In addition, it was determined that services such as self-hair removal that are displayed on the homepage as ``unlimited use 24 hours a day,’’ but are actually only available for part of the time, constitute a ``misperception of superiority.’’

label.tran_page Rizap commented, ”We will strive to prevent it from happening again.”