アカデミーしょうパーティー 2ねんつづけて宮崎みやざきけん牛肉ぎゅうにく使つか
2019-02-22 11:30:00
森神 悟 03:02 22/02/2019
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アカデミーしょうパーティー 2ねんつづけて宮崎みやざきけん牛肉ぎゅうにく使つか
label.tran_page Academy Awards party uses Miyazaki prefecture beef 2 years in a row.


label.tran_page The Academy Awards is said to be the most famous party in America.
label.tran_page After the Academy Awards are announced, there is an annual party.


label.tran_page At last year’s party, food prepared with Miyazaki prefecture beef and shochu were on display.
label.tran_page Movie director and Los Angeles resident Miyuki Sohara, from Miyazaki prefecture, requested a knowledgeable chef to prepare food using Miyazaki prefecture beef and shochu.


label.tran_page According to Miyazaki prefecture, this year’s party being held on the 25th of this month, Japan time, will also put steak and hamburgers made with Miyazaki prefecture beef, as well as shochu, on display.


label.tran_page Miyazaki prefectoral governor Kōno says, “We were given a chance for the second year in a row...
label.tran_page ...I would like for a lot of people to get to know Miyazaki prefecture beef.”