18世紀せいきのサクランボはいった35ほんのボトル、初代大統領しょだいだいとうりょう邸宅ていたく発見はっけん 米国べいこく
2024-06-18 16:01:38
Anonymous 12:06 18/06/2024
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18世紀せいきのサクランボはいった35ほんのボトル、初代大統領しょだいだいとうりょう邸宅ていたく発見はっけん 米国べいこく
label.tran_page 35 bottles with cherries in the 18th century, found in the first president`s mansion


label.tran_page 35 bottles containing cherries and berry were found in Mount Bernon, Virginia, the first President of George Washington, the first President of the United States.
label.tran_page The management organization of the mansion revealed


label.tran_page The mansion has been promoting a project for conservation of $ 40 million since last year.


label.tran_page According to the announcement of the management organization, the bottle was found in five storage holes in the basement of the mansion.
label.tran_page Of these, 29 were intact, with perfectly preserved cherries and berry, probably goosberry or suguri.


label.tran_page The bottle is removed from the hole, is stored frozen, and a scientific analysis is performed.