Japanese newspaper
雨水あまみずかわのように… 南米なんべいエクアドルで大規模だいきぼ土砂崩どしゃくず 7人死亡にんしぼう
2024-06-18 21:23:02
Anonymous 19:06 18/06/2024
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雨水あまみずかわのように… 南米なんべいエクアドルで大規模だいきぼ土砂崩どしゃくず 7人死亡にんしぼう
label.tran_page Rainwater is like a river... 7 people killed in large-scale landslide in Ecuador, South America


label.tran_page Severe storms cause large-scale landslides in Ecuador, South America, leaving at least 7 people dead and 10 missing.

label.tran_page A large amount of rainwater flows like a river from the mountainside.

label.tran_page Heavy equipment is used to remove the surging earth and sand, but the force of the water does not stop.

label.tran_page On the 16th, a wide area of ​​Ecuador was hit by heavy rain and strong winds, and a large landslide occurred on a main road in the central city of Banos.

label.tran_page According to local media, one bus was buried in mud, three cars and two homes were damaged, at least seven people were killed and 10 people are missing.

label.tran_page Additionally, 17 people were injured and transported to the hospital, where they are receiving treatment.

label.tran_page The Ecuadorian Presidential Office plans to bring heavy equipment to the disaster-stricken areas and proceed with recovery work, but major roads are being disrupted throughout the country, causing delays in work.