2024-06-18 21:23:02
Anonymous 15:06 18/06/2024
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dino 15:06 18/06/2024
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label.tran_page Webb Space Telescope suggests a giant asteroid collided with a planet near our solar system


label.tran_page It is highly likely that giant asteroids have collided with each other in recent years in the planetary system ”Beta Picanis” near the solar system.
label.tran_page Researchers have made this observation based on findings from two different observation vehicles: the Spitzer Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope.


label.tran_page The Beta Picanis star system is located 63 light-years from Earth, and has long fascinated astronomers due to its proximity and novelty.


label.tran_page According to Christine Chen, an astronomer at Johns Hopkins University in the US, the age of the solar system is estimated to be about 4.5 billion years, but the Beta Pictoris star system is a young planetary system that is only 20 million years old.
label.tran_page Mr. Chen has observed the Beta Pictoris star system multiple times.