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label.tran_page Possibility of M9.0 earthquake and large tsunami in northwestern United States, no preparations for unprecedented disaster


label.tran_page Experts have pointed out that the northwest region of the United States, which faces the Pacific Ocean, cannot avoid the occurrence of destructive earthquakes and tsunamis, and that it is necessary to prepare for unprecedented damage.


label.tran_page ``Thirty to 40 years ago, we didn’t even know there was a possibility of a major earthquake occurring in the Pacific Northwest,’’ said Diego Melgar, a seismologist at the University of Oregon.


label.tran_page However, it has now been revealed that an approximately 1,100 km long fault called the ``Cascade Subduction Zone’’ extends from approximately 160 km off the coast of Northern California to northern Vancouver Island in southwestern Canada.
label.tran_page This fault could cause a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and massive tsunami, just like the one that occurred in Japan in 2011.