グーグル AIで47都道府県とどうふけんかかえる課題かだい解決かいけつ
2024-06-20 16:00:21
Anonymous 14:06 20/06/2024
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グーグル AIで47都道府県とどうふけんかかえる課題かだい解決かいけつ
label.tran_page Google uses AI to solve problems faced by 47 prefectures


label.tran_page Google has announced that it will team up with the University of Tokyo to begin an initiative to use AI to solve problems faced by all 47 prefectures.

label.tran_page By 2027, Google aims to build a generative AI model that will help all prefectures solve their own challenges, in collaboration with the laboratory of Professor Yutaka Matsuo at the University of Tokyo, which conducts research and development of AI technology.

label.tran_page We would like to use generative AI to solve issues associated with an aging society and decreasing working population, and also to develop AI human resources.

label.tran_page Osaka Prefecture has already started developing an AI system to eliminate the mismatch between job seekers and companies.

label.tran_page In addition, Google is installing its own generation AI in various services and products.

label.tran_page We also announced a new search function for Japanese people, who often post on SNS using hashtags, and a weather forecast that allows you to predict precipitation in detail every 5 minutes.