マイナカードで“独身証明どくしんしょうめい可能かのうに マッチングアプリでの詐欺さぎなどふせねら
2024-06-20 16:00:21
Anonymous 06:06 21/06/2024
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マイナカードで“独身証明どくしんしょうめい可能かのうに マッチングアプリでの詐欺さぎなどふせねら
label.tran_page MynaCard allows you to “certify your singleness” Aims to prevent fraud on matching apps


label.tran_page Until now, obtaining a certificate of singleness required procedures at a government office, but from August you can prove it through Mynaportal.

label.tran_page By making it easier to prove that you are single, the aim is to reduce the number of married people or people who are registered for criminal purposes on matching apps.

label.tran_page In addition, if you use your My Number card at the time of registration, you can perform strict identity verification, and the Digital Agency is encouraging matching app operators to use it to prevent romance scams caused by impersonation.