インド “密造酒みつぞうしゅ”で34にん死亡しぼう 100以上にんいじょう病院搬送びょういんはんそう
2024-06-21 16:00:24
Anonymous 00:06 24/06/2024
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インド “密造酒みつぞうしゅ”で34にん死亡しぼう 100以上にんいじょう病院搬送びょういんはんそう
label.tran_page 34 people killed in India’s moonshine drinking, more than 100 taken to hospital


label.tran_page 34 people died in India after drinking ”moonshine” containing toxic substances
label.tran_page More than 100 other people are receiving treatment and the death toll could rise further.

label.tran_page According to local media, at least 34 people have died in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu after drinking ”moonshine” containing toxic methanol since the 18th.

label.tran_page More than 100 other people were transported to hospitals and are receiving treatment.

label.tran_page The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu stated, ``I was saddened to receive the news of the death,’’ adding that the number of deaths may increase in the future as many people are in critical condition.

label.tran_page Furthermore, it was announced that two people believed to be involved in ”moonshine” were arrested.

label.tran_page In India, over the past few years, people have died one after another after drinking cheap alcohol sold without a license.