ロマンス詐欺さぎグループの指示しじやくか ナイジェリアじん逮捕たいほ
6/21/2024 6:11:49 PM +09:00
mutsumi63 12:06 21/06/2024
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ロマンス詐欺さぎグループの指示しじやくか ナイジェリアじん逮捕たいほ
label.tran_page Nigerian arrested under suspicion of being leader of Romance scan group.
label.tran_page A Nigerian suspect was arrested for impersonating a Japanese woman and defrauding a man in his sixties that they met on a social network out of 600,000 yen in cash.

label.tran_page He is believed to be the coordinator of a Romance scam group that swindles cash through encouraging romantic feelings. The Metropolitan Police department has discovered that they have stolen approximately 370 million yen from more than 20 victims.