東京とうきょうマラソン 男性だんせい女性じょせいほかにノンバイナリーでもられる
2024-06-25 15:45:00
Naval Bhardwaj 07:06 26/06/2024
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Anonymous 12:06 25/06/2024
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Anonymous 12:06 25/06/2024
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東京とうきょうマラソン 男性だんせい女性じょせいほかにノンバイナリーでもられる
label.tran_page Tokyo Marathon: In addition to men and women, non-binary people can also run

東京とうきょうマラソンは、世界せかい有名ゆうめいな6つのマラソン 大会たいかいの1つです

label.tran_page The Tokyo Marathon is one of the world’s six famous marathons.
label.tran_page Until now, runners in this event had to choose their gender as either ”male” or ”female.”


label.tran_page However, at the competition in March next year, ordinary people who run as a hobby will be able to choose not only ``male’’ and ``female,’’ but also ``non-binary,’’ which is neither one nor the other.


label.tran_page According to the Tokyo Marathon Foundation, five of the six marathons in foreign countries have so far allowed ”non-binary” participants to run.


label.tran_page The foundation says, ``We would like to value the various ways of thinking and ways of life of those who participate in the competition.’’