19世紀せいき難破船見なんぱせんみつかる、開封みかいふうのシャンパンと貴重きちょう鉱泉水こうせんすい満載まんさい バルトかい
2024-07-29 13:24:36
Anonymous 16:07 30/07/2024
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19世紀せいき難破船見なんぱせんみつかる、開封みかいふうのシャンパンと貴重きちょう鉱泉水こうせんすい満載まんさい バルトかい
label.tran_page 19th century shipwreck found in the Baltic Sea, full of unopened champagne and precious mineral water


label.tran_page A 19th century shipwreck has been found on the bottom of the Baltic Sea off the coast of Sweden, filled with crates containing unopened bottles of champagne.


label.tran_page The team of Polish divers who discovered the long-forgotten ship said it was filled to the brim with crates of champagne, mineral water and porcelain.


label.tran_page Team leader Tomasz Stachula said in a press statement that the cargo contained around 100 beverage containers.
label.tran_page Looking back on his 40-year diving career, he said that while it was common to find one or two containers, this was the first time he had found a shipwreck with so many containers.


label.tran_page Divers had been combing the seabed at the site for years in search of the wreck, but found the shipwreck ”almost by chance”.


label.tran_page The shipwreck is in ”excellent condition,” according to a post on the team’s website.
label.tran_page The cargo is so large that it is difficult to determine its actual size.