パリ五輪ごりんトライアスロン セーヌがわ水質悪化すいしつあっか公式練習中止こうしきれんしゅうちゅうし
2024-07-29 16:00:03
mason 00:07 30/07/2024
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パリ五輪ごりんトライアスロン セーヌがわ水質悪化すいしつあっか公式練習中止こうしきれんしゅうちゅうし
label.tran_page Official practice canceled due to the deterioration of the water quality of the Paris Olympics Triathlon Seine


label.tran_page The official practice of the Olympic and triathlon swimming competition was scheduled for the Olympic and triathlon swimming competition from 8:00 am on the 28th in Paris, but the standard of implementation was canceled due to the deterioration of water quality due to rainfall until the previous day.

label.tran_page On the Seine River, which has been banned for 101 years, a new cleaning facility and a waterwater storage tank will be developed for about 1.4 billion euros for the Olympics and more than 230 billion yen in Japanese yen.We have been promoting the water quality improvement

label.tran_page However, when heavy rains fall, there was a problem that the sewer pipes overflowed and flowing directly into the Seine river, and in June, only three times were conducted by conducting 28 water quality surveys to meet the standards for competition.

label.tran_page There were many days to meet the standards due to the sunny day in July, and on the 17th, Mayor Idalgo and Paris and the chairman of the Games Organizing Committee, Estangge, swimmed the Seine and appealed to improving the water quality.

label.tran_page The triathlon`s production starts on the 30th of this month, but the Games Organizing Committee stated that in consideration of the weather forecast, we are convinced that the water quality will meet the standard by the start of the competition.

label.tran_page If the competition is not improved even if it is postponed for a few days, the swimming competition will be canceled and the athletics and bicycle competitions will be switched to Duer Slon.